Mrs. Thuong, 46, has lived with her husband and her son in a small Thai traditional house in a remote village where people mainly work at agricultural production for a living and Thuong's family is not an exception. Indeed, cultivation including rice, corn, cassava and animal husbandry including buffalo, pigs, chickens, ducks are the main activities generating income for her family. The instability in the nature of agriculture keeps her constantly expanding and diversifying activities and working hard. This is the third time that Mrs. Thuong has received a loan from the Anh Chi Em Program and she will use the loan to rent a machine to level the field to prepare the land for the next harvest. She hopes to increase yield and improve her income as well as the living conditions for her family. In the picture, she stands at the first from the right.
In this group: Thien, Thoi, Thu, Thuong, Thom, Hoa