A loan helped a member to provide communities with free access to chlorine to treat their drinking water.

Teresa's Group's story

Teresa is 50 years old, has 2 children, and lives in Janyawo village in Ndhiwa sub county Kenya. Teresa works as a subsistence farmer for a living. Her community of Janyawo village does not have access to clean water. The water that is used for drinking and cooking is easily contaminated with bacteria that can cause diarrhea and other water-borne diseases. Teresa is a friendly member of the community, and has been elected Promoter by her village to help its members obtain safe drinking water.

As a volunteer Promoter, Teresa represents the community on Kiva’s website and educates the community on how to protect their families from unsafe drinking water by using a chlorine dispenser system. Teresa and four other promoters in her community need a loan to cover the costs of installing and maintaining chlorine dispensers at the water sources in the area. Teresa wants to be a promoter because she believes that the dispenser system will bring safe water to the community.

The Kiva loan will be repaid by Evidence Action (www.evidenceaction.org) on behalf of the community, through the sale of carbon credits. Using the chlorine dispenser generates carbon credits by avoiding the need to boil water to make it safe to drink. Revenues from the sale of carbon credits to organizations and individuals wanting to reduce world carbon footprint will be used to repay Kiva lenders and also to make sure that Teresa’s community can have access to safe water now and in the future.

In this group: Teresa, Collins, Janet, Mary, Caleb

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details