A loan helped a member to buy beer wholesale.

Vecinal 3 Group's story

The “VECINAL 3” communal bank will begin its fifth cycle in Pro Mujer as a part of the Panamerica center. It is made up of eight members and is led by a board of directors, of which Maria is the President. The businesses that the members of the communal bank have are varied. Among them are: selling food, selling clothes, selling beer, selling jewelry via catalog, a neighborhood store, a paint making service and selling aprons.

The loan they will take out will benefit the micro business women, including Maria. She says that she joined Pro Mujer three years ago at the invitation of a consultant of the institution who went to visit her at her home. Right now, she has a beer selling business. She says that she started this business when she saw the profits that merchants who work with that product have. That is why she decided to start it.

The loan she will take out now is to increase capital by buying beer wholesale that she will acquire from wholesalers in the city of El Alto, and later she will sell it in her sales space. This work will allow her to generate resources to support her family, since she is married and has four children.

When asked what she likes about Pro Mujer, She says that she likes the sisterhood with the other members of the communal bank in the institution.

In this group: Maria, Alicia , Marcela , Ana Rosa, Eugenio, Martina , Gabriela , Fidelia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

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