A loan helped to purchase ducks and high-quality feed.

Kha Naung Lay Village Group's story

This community is located in the Myanmar Ayeyarwaddy's Delta region. The group consists of 29 members (14 women and 15 men), which includes 5 Community Based Organization (CBO) members who are leading the group's loan.

This loan will help group members purchase both ducks and high-quality feed, costing 12 USD per packet. Since a packet lasts one week, the villagers have to buy weekly to keep their ducks healthy.

The villagers of Kha Naung Lay are mostly farmers and fishermen, and they raise livestock such as pigs, ducks, and chickens. For additional income, they plant various flowers which they sell in the town market.

The picture above shows the Kha Naung Lay CBO members. They are U Win, U Aung, U Thein, U Myint, and U Ohm. U Win (second from the left) is 36 years old and is married with a son. He farms his three-acre farm and plants different kinds of flowers to sell in the market. He also takes care of 100 ducks, and his wife sometimes does tailoring in the village.

Proximity Design's loan will help U Win purchase 30 ducks and high-quality feed, both of which will let him increase duck egg production and boost his income.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details