These borrowers belong to the communal bank "Las Puntualitas." This bank is located in the Santa Ana district, which belongs to the La Convención province in the Cusco department.
The featured borrower is Elba. She is 32 years old and single; she has one son. She mixes her business of raising fruits into her daily routine. She sells oranges, bananas, and other fruits to all the customers that make requests to her.
She is thankful for the loan provided to her, and she commits to paying back the loan on the established timeline. She wants to be able to continue working in this business, so that she can continue to support her family. She is requesting the loan to purchase seeds and fertilizer.
The other borrowers make their living in fruit sales, animal sales, and agriculture.
In this group: Juliana, Fortunata, Alina, Elba, Juan Mateo, Pamela, Daniel, Victor

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Maria Stanislawski. View original language description.