A loan helped to buy a greater quantity of merchandise for his store.

Ramon's story

Ramon is 50 years old and married. He lives with his wife and two young children in his own house, made of rustic material, in the rural part of the district of Pucara, province of Jaen, region of Cajamarca, in the Northern Andean region of Peru. The work activities in this district are agriculture and animal husbandry. He works selling groceries such as rice, sugar, oil, among others. His store is located in his house. Ramon has very good personal and work references in the area. He will use this loan to buy a greater quantity of merchandise for his store. With it, Ramon will be able to satisfy the likes and needs of his customers, increasing his level of income. This way he will improve his quality of life and that of his family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Patricia Mueller.

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