A loan helped to purchase kitchen equipment to start her catering business.

La Fleur's story

LaFleur is 38 years of age. She left school at age 14 because she got pregnant. LaFleur is a single mother of three girls and a grandmother of two grandsons. She is currently unemployed and stays at home to take care of her diabetic mother and her disabled sister. LaFleur enjoys cooking and helping people in what ever way she can. Her dream is to start up her own food catering business where she would cook delicious meals at home and take to business places to sell. Some of the foods she make are Peleau, Macaroni pie, Vegetable rice with various meats (chicken,fish,beef,pork), toss salad and local fruit juices like golden apple, lemonade, orange. Her aim is to provide these meals for her customers' lunch break. Help LaFleur's dream become a reality by funding her loan to purchase kitchen equipment to get her business started.

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