A loan helped to purchase an 8 cubic meter Sistema Biobolsa biodigester.

Juana's story

Juana decided to invest in her biodigester in order to produce her own biogas and organic fertilizer by taking advantage of a simple resource: her cows' and sheep's manure. She is transforming waste into an opportunity to save costs and protect the environment while improving the quality of life of her family. Indeed, they will be able to displace the expensive and fossil fuel-based LP gas, stop buying wood for cooking on a weekly basis as well as chemical fertilizers. The corn Juana's family seeds will improve with the organic and nutrient-rich fertilizer produced by the bacteria in the biodigester. The smoke produced by the wood in the kitchen will also be eliminated, and no family member will inhale the toxic substance anymore.

Juana is ambitious and would like to expand the farm by buying more cows with the savings she will make. She also plans to improve her house to make it a more comfortable place to live.

This loan represents 20% of the total cost of the biodigester. The remaining part is being covered by a government subsidy.

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