Gulbadam is 45 years old, married, and the mother of three children. She has the equivalent of a high school education. For the past four years, she has been growing crops and raising livestock in order to provide her family with an additional source of income. Thanks to her very hard work and dedication, she currently owns 0.55 hectare of land and she also rents another plot measuring one hectare. She grows potatoes and clover, and she has a few peach trees. She sells her produce to bulk buyers. She makes a monthly income of 10,000 som (KGS). In order to further develop her farming business, she has turned to Bai Tushum for a loan of 20,000 som (KGS). She will use her loan to buy a heifer. Gulbadam is planning to reinvest the earnings from her loan into further expanding her business. She also wants to give her children a decent education.
Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Sophie Narayan. View original language description.