A loan helped to grow her mobile money business and service more customers in her community who need financial services.

Misozi's story

Misozi is one of the most successful young Zoona agents. She has been a beneficiary of loans from Kiva lenders since 2012. She is 24 years old, and runs 11 outlets with a total of 19 employees.

Misozi has been able to successfully grow her business through help from Kiva lenders. She has already received and paid back 3 large loans which helped her open more outlets and employ more young people from her community. Having access to the Kiva loans has also given Misozi an adequate float of working capital in order to service her customers efficiently. Plus, Misozi enrolled herself in school and has attained her diploma in accounting, which is helping her become more skilled at running a business.

Misozi wanted to let Kiva lenders know that she is grateful for their support. Without the loans from Kiva's lenders and the support from Zoona, she wouldn’t be where she is today. She was recently awarded Zambia’s Top Female Entrepreneur, which gave her the opportunity to travel to the Washington, DC for the first time where she took part in a mentorship program. She encourages lenders to continue supporting small business entrepreneurs like herself.

Now that Misozi has successfully paid back her 3 previous loans, she is requesting a fourth loan to continue growing her mobile money business. With this loan, she will be able to service more customers in a community that needs financial services.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details