A loan helped to build new drying tables and storage for his coffee washing station.

Fulgence's story

Fulgence owns a coffee washing station, Mugina Coffee Co, in Rwanda's Eastern Province. For the last few years, Fulgence has been a supplier of the Rwanda Trading Company, one of East Africa's largest coffee exporters.

Fulgence doesn't want to just continue supplying washed coffee beans to Rwanda Trading Company, but he wants to be their leading supplier. During the off-season, Fulgence has made significant improvements to his coffee business, such as working to improve the quality from his farmers, and constructing new water tanks and storage.

Fulgence is looking for a loan of 10,000 USD to build more drying tables, thus nearly doubling his production capacity. With this increase, he will create 30 new jobs for men and women from his community.

In AEC's experience working with Fulgence, he is a very dedicated and responsive entrepreneur. In the past when his business was struggling, he actively sought help from coffee washing experts, humbly took their advice, and implemented with fidelity.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details