A loan helped a member to purchase TerraClear water filters in order to access safe drinking water.

Naboneneua Group's story

Nan's village takes water from relatively shallow wells and local streams; however, the water from these natural sources in Nan's village is dirty and unsuitable for drinking without treatment. The drinking water in nearby villages is also dirty and unsafe.

Nan is excited that she, like her fellow group members, was able to purchase a water filter.

Most families report a threefold reduction in diarrhea after they begin using the filter; this is because the filter removes bacteria and other water borne diseases. Even though some people in the village, including Nan, are able to buy bottled water, the water filter increases disposable income to users by decreasing the amount of money used to purchase bottled water. Nan and other filter users also decreased the amount of money spent boiling water, purchasing less charcoal or wood and decreasing the time spent foraging for firewood.

Nan's filter is guaranteed for 2 years, though most users find that the filter works for 3-5 years.

In this group: Nan, Soung, Van, Souk

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