A loan helped to buy mamalishe food cooking ingredients.

Rebeca's story

Rebeca is the mother of five children, a mix of schooling and grown up. She was born in 1961 and is currently running a local restaurant known as mamalishe. She works hard everyday so as to capture more people. She starts working from 5 am to 8 pm per working day and is able to make a fair monthly profit.

From Tujijenge Tanzania, this is her twelfth loan. She managed to repay successfully the previous loans. Rebeca invested much in her business, cooking new foods previously demanded and increased the size of food cooking, like from three to six kilos of rice and ugali. She is really proud of Kiva's support. She dreams that in the coming years she would like to build a nice house for her family. Rebeca received an extra income which she used to buy a few house items; TV, Digital, cupboard and bed and covered school fees and household expenses.

She will be held responsible for paying back this loan. With her credit request; she will invest in buying mamalishe food cooking ingredients.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details