A loan helped to purchase coffee from local producers, process it and export it to Germany.

Nayely's story

Nayely is a 22 year old Popoluca that, with the help of her father, developed a coffee processing facility in one of the most marginalized communities of Veracruz.
With the help of a local NGO and a loan from ERES Energía, last season, Nayely and her father set up a processing facility to receive the freshly harvested coffee cherries from local producers, depulp, ferment, wash, dry and bag the coffee.
Having the working capital to pay the farmers for their coffee cherries and the coffee drying facility, allowed Nayely to skip the local middleman and obtain a better price for her coffee. As a result, she was able to make a second payment to the coffee producers, increasing their income by 15%.

This sesason, with the help form a coffee roaster in Germany, Nayely will be able to process coffee even further from parchment (pergamino) coffee to green (oro) coffee for exportation. Nayely needs a loan to buy enough coffee from local producers to fulfill the German coffee roaster’s order and buy the machinery needed for hulling, polishing, grading and sorting the coffee beans.

With this loan Nayely will be able to help more than 100 producers improve their living conditions and contribute to the conservation of an area of high environmental value by offering them a fixed price for their coffee cherries.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details