A loan helped a member to buy and sell grocery products (Milo drink powder, milk, sardines, paper, drinks, etc.) to customers.

Ekome Feamo Group's story

Ekome Feamo Group is made up of seven people who live in the same area. The group's representative, named Humu, is 43 years old and has attended school to the secondary level. She's married to a driver named Abudu. Together they have two children, both of whom go to school and are in their care. Humu lives with her children, and she takes care of the family's various expenses. For this reason, she's been buying and selling groceries (Milo drink powder, milk, sardines, paper, drinks, etc.) to customers. She has been doing this business for the past five years. This enables her to provide for her family and for herself. Humu gets her supplies from the market in Ghana. To bolster her business, Humu, together with the other members of the group, is seeking a eighth loan from Kiva's partner, ID Ghana.

They promise to work hard to repay this loan without trouble. They will hold each other responsible for the repayment of the loan.

In this group: Ellen, Humu, Fransisca, Sarah, Alima, Comfort, Rebecca

Loan details

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