A loan helped a member to buy a leaf plate-making machine.

Maa Laxmi Shg Group's story

Janaki, from Khamar Village, Odisha, India, was just 30 when she lost her husband, leaving her with three small children to take care of. Since then, she has been struggling and leading a difficult life. With no options left, she became engaged in the business of leaf plates-making, which gives her 5,000 INR monthly, that too seasonally. With such a small penny, it is very difficult for her to give education to her children, take care of their health, and get them meals two times a day.

Janaki, the lady standing third from the left hand side, is a member of Maa Laxmi SHG and is a determined woman. She wants to give a good life to her children so that at the end of the day, if some mishap occurs, they will be able to tackle it and lead a respectful life. She has expertise in making leaf plates, which are used in marriage functions, birthday parties, and temples, and have good market demand. Leaf plates have a ready market in the village itself, so she does not need go to the city or find market linkages.

In a day, a machine can produce a minimum of 300 plates, and each plates cost 3 INR, so she can earn 900 INR in a day, making it to 27,000 INR monthly. As the business will grow, she can also employ a few women, creating employment.

She will use her loan portion to buy a leaf plate-making machine.

In this group: Jhatak, Sebati, Ramani, Janaki, Binodini, Kanchan, Chaturi, Chandri, Urmila

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