A loan helped a member to process and store palm oil products.

Rose's Group's story

Rose is a very active single parent. At 69 years she is still fully engaged in oil palm production. Her interest is more in palm tree growing. In the past years, she has volunteered with Nke-Anyi Farmers Multipurpose Cooperative Society in the area of providing nursing and planting of new palm trees training to many young farmers within the rural communities.

A portion of this loan will help her to nurse more improved palm tree seeds for the local market and part of the balance she will invest it in palm oil processing.

Presently she suffers rheumatic pains on her left leg, but Rose is still very active in her daily work. She hopes to apportion part of her profit for the purchase of drugs and treatment.

In this group: Rose, Nwamaka, Florence

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details