A loan helped a member to hire laborers to harvest and transport the crops to a point of sale.

Nhyira Nsa Group's story

Sarah is a member of Nhyira Nsa Group. She turns 62 this year and she is a widow with 2 children. Sarah's children are still in school. She lives with her family at Abakrampa which is in the central region of Ghana.

Sarah grow oranges on 5 acres. Sarah has a future plan of increasing the size of her farm. She also belongs to a registered local farming association that negotiates prices on their behalf. Sarah has confidence in the future prospects of her business since her farming association has a lot of good will from development partners in building their capacity to maintain farm hygiene to increase crop yield.

Sarah does not have the physical strength now to maintain the farm alone, as age is not on her side. Her main challenge is how to finance the costs of maintaining her farm to maximize productivity. In particular, Sarah has to hire laborers to harvest and transport the crops to a point of sale. A micro-loan is essential for Sarah to maximize profit. She will also use her profit to pay for her children's school fees.

Sarah and her group members are grateful to all their micro-lenders for their generosity in supporting their business.

In this group: Sarah, Kojo, Paul

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details