A loan helped to purchase flour and coal to bake Kyrgyz traditional pastries.

Narzinisa's story

Narzinisa is 49 years old, married, and the mother of three children. She has a secondary level education. She makes a living by baking pastries, an activity which constitutes her family's main source of income and which she learned when she was young, by helping her mother-in-law. Narzinisa started her own business in 1996 and she has developed it since then. She has a tandoor oven, some tables, and she uses coal, as opposed to wood, as she cares about the environment. She currently makes a monthly income of 16,000 som (KGS). She sells her pastries herself at the local market and they are so hot and delicious that she receives a high demand for them from regular customers. Narzinisa also owns one cow and eight sheep. She has turned to Bai Tushum Bank CJSC for a loan of 150,000 som (KGS) which will allow her to buy flour and coal for baking. She plans to use the profits from her loan to further develop her business and to build a large bakery shop.

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Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Sophie Narayan.

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