A loan helped buy grains to sell in Pisco.

Keita Nelly's story

Keita is a member of the Confianza (“Trust”) Village Bank. She is 27 years old and lives with her partner and their three children.

Keita buys grains, which her mother then takes to the city of Pisco to sell. Pisco is about seven hours from Ayacucho, where Keita and her family live. Her mother travels to Pisco by bus with seasonal grains, then buys whatever local products are in season in Pisco to bring back to Ayacucho to sell (since the two cities have different climates, different locally grown products are in season at different times). She leaves each Friday and returns on Wednesday of the next week. Since her mother does all of the traveling, Keita is able to stay home with her three children in Ayacucho.

Keita is requesting a loan of 1000 soles to buy grains. Her goal for the future is to open up her own clothing store in Ayacucho so that her mother doesn’t have to travel any more.

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