A loan helped to purchase a truck to deliver water filters to remote areas of Laos.

Terraclear's story

In Laos, nearly half of the population lacks access to safe drinking water, causing widespread waterborne illness. TerraClear is a social enterprise with the mission to increase access to safe drinking water especially in remote households. Since 2010, TerraClear has been locally manufacturing ceramic water filters, which provide effective and long-term household access to clean water.

TerraClear's success has been built on promoting an affordable and easy to use product with an innovative design. TerraClear became a Kiva Field partner at the beginning of the year in order to increase its outreach and provide these water filters to its end users. Ceramic Water Filters have helped over 30,000 families to access clean water in Laos. The next stage of TerraClear's business plan is to scale up production and delivery to more remote areas. To achieve this, Kiva has partnered with Nexus Carbon for Development to provide a loan of $35,000 to TerraClear to purchase a delivery truck to service remote households of Laos with safe drinking water.

Currently, TerraClear can only transport 30-35 water filters at one time. This new truck will allow TerraClear to transport 120-130 water filter sets, which will reduce the number of trips from the provinces back to the distribution center. This will dramatically increase the number of filters reaching households every week.

As TerraClear is scaling-up, this investment will require some time to produce returns. The loan has been structured with a single payment at the end of the loan term with the expectations that lenders could get paid back earlier if TerraClear produces results quicker than anticipated.

Pictures displayed in the profile show TerraClear's end users who have received water filters and a short video of TerraClear's founder.

For more information about TerraClear and safe water in Laos, go to https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nexus-c4d/339349449574898?sk=info or www.laowater.org

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details