Young Milton, just 21 years old, currently lives with his brother. His father's a driver and his mother humbly takes care of the home. They are struggling people struggling who have many aspirations in life. Milton works and supports his family in every way he can.
This young man has requested financial support through a student loan to learn English. His most outstanding qualities are leadership, responsibility, interest in studies because they are fundamental to success.
His initial motivation is to achieve his vocation and to be able to learn English as a second language, and, at the same time, to honor his family, especially his brother who is supporting him right now. He wants to contribute to the development of his country through his studies and the knowledge he has acquired, as he wants to share that knowledge with people who also have current aspirations and desires to become decent men and women.
As a personal experience, Marcio says that the best education for people is humility. He can identify with this word, as he dreams of studying in a very prestigious school, but recognizes that his parents do not have the financial capacity to support him in studying for the career of his dreams - that is, international relations. This situation caused him to reflect and to choose an education center that will be a great deal of help to him and to his family financially.
Marcio recognizes that his parents are older people who nevertheless sacrificed for him and his siblings. They have never failed to support them in this long process.
He visualizes his future in a productive manner. He wants to have a family to support him at all times. He also wants to support and continue honoring his parents and siblings. More than anything, he wants to become an ambassador of Honduras.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Therisa R. View original language description.