A loan helped to buy mesh to build and fence and help her son with a school project he is working on and to buy three bags of fertilizer for her corn crops.

Ana Elizabeth's story

Ana is 39 years old; she has a high school education and she is in a relationship. They have had two children, who are in school.

Ana has been employed at an electric company for 20 years; she learned this work on her own, as when she finished her schooling she started looking for work to help her parents, but that was where she met her partner and they decided to get together.

Her work is 30 minutes away and she travels by bus to the office, then she goes out into communities to read meters and to turn in electricity invoices. She works Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm.

The loan she is requesting is to buy mesh to build a fence and help her son with a project he is working on in school that consists of planting winter crops. She will buy the mesh and another group will buy the crops; this will help her a lot, as if they prepare the work well they will get a better grade and be able to graduate without any problems, which will allow him to then get work and keep studying at university, and the other part of the loan will be to buy three sacks of fertilizer to spread on the corn fields that Ana's partner has. This way they will not have to buy corn next year.

Ana's dreams are for her children to do very well with their studies and not have any problems graduating and for them to become professionals who can always find work so they can provide their children with everything they will need.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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