A loan helped to buy a 120-cubic-meter Sistema Biobolsa biodigester.

Elias Esequiel's story

Elias is a small Mexican farmer who produces and sells cheese for a living. He decided to purchase a 120-cubic-meter Sistema Biobolsa biodigester in order to reduce the high energy costs, which were threatening the existence of the business itself.
By purchasing the biodigester, he will not have to externally buy the expensive propane needed for cooling and other purposes anymore. He will be able to fully integrate biogas production in the natural cycle of his business. By using the Sistema Biobolsa waste-to-energy solution, Elias will take full advantage of the large quantities of manure his animals produce every day. The biodigester is a strategic acquisition for Elias and will allow his cheese producing activity to flourish.
This loan represents 22% of the total cost of the Sistema Biobolsa biodigester.

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