A loan helped to pay tuition for a technical degree in Industrial Electronic, so that he can become a licensed professional and find a good job.

Diego Francisco's story

Diego is a young man who is studying for an Industrial Electronics degree and currently in his second year. His parents divorced when he was a child and his mother is in another relationship with a man who Diego sees as his father. They live with Diego's three siblings (two sisters and a brother). His mother is a seamstress and also sells marmalades. His father is retired.

Ever since he was little Diego was interested in his career. He thought it was interesting and feels it will help him economically, especially once he becomes a professional which is his goal. Diego is doing his technical degree with SENATI, one of Peru's premier technical degree programs. 95% of SENATI students find employment in their field within 3 months of graduation. For this reason, and because of a promising labor market, Diego feels this is a good investment in his future.

Despite the low incomes of both parents they do everything possible for Diego to continue his studies. Diego is pictured here with his parents, who are proud of how far he has come.

Unfortunately, due to the bad economic situation they are now experiencing they are unable to continue supporting him. Diego is very grateful for the support from KIVA lenders because thanks to them he will be able to get his degree and meet his goal of becoming an excellent, well-trained professional who can support his family.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

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