A loan helped a member to buy variety of drinks for his grocery.

Boresha Maisha Group's story

Mathias is a father of three children They are all boys and they are still young. He is 28 years old and takes care of his family accompanied by his wife. Mathias has been running a grocery for four years now and enjoys a good monthly profit from his business. Usually he opens his grocery at 8:00 am and close at 10:00 pm. Mathias's grocery sells soft drinks, spirits and beers.

This is his second loan request from Tujijenge Tanzania. He used the previous credit to buy crates of beer and soda. Mathias paid back in full his loan and earned a good profit, which help him to grow his business. Now he expect to manage a wholesale business selling drinks.

Mathias will invest his loan to buy a variety of drinks for his grocery. He and his group are so grateful and thankful with everyone who will find a way to support his group.

In this group: Mathias, Joshuwa

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details