A loan helped a member to purchase cloth, thread, and beads.

Mame Bousso's Group's story

This group of 37 women is part of the ’banc villageois’ that was created on July 13, 2013. The ‘banc’ is composed of women living in and around the same district. Their main work involves: commerce and sewing.

Ndeye, standing at the right in the photo with a hand raised, is 51 years old and a married mother of one girl.

With the loan, she envisions working in sewing. She purchases fabrics for bed sheets, which she makes. A finished bed sheet costs 12,500 francs. She also makes beaded shoes, and a pair brings in 3,500 francs. The profits enable her to support her daughter and her brother and anyone else who asks for her help. She is also bolstering her savings.

In this group: Mame Bousso, Malado, Ndeye Abou, Ndeye, Issa, Amy, Nogoye, Faty, Nar, Faty, Ndeye Amy, Mame Asta, Soda, Khadidiatou, Rokaya, Ndeye Khady, Ndeye Fatou, Maguette, Penda, Faty, Amy, Soda, Bineta, Awa, Maty, Penda, Absa, Ndioba, Mbodia, Mbene, Mbene, Ndeye, Ndeye Bamby, Ndeye, Saer, Mane, Mbene Diop

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Daniel Kuey.

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