A loan helped to build a ceiling and walls as a start, then install pipelines, and buy building materials for renovating his home.

Ibraheem's story

Ibraheem is 53 years old and lives with his wife and one child in Gaza. He has been working as a driver for a school bus for ten years. He is one of the affected people from the last war in Gaza. His house was fully destroyed, and he would like to repair it again, but he lost all his property. So, he is trying now to take the first step until he can go back to his normal life.

For these reasons, he has requested a loan from Ryada to build a ceiling and walls as a start. Then he would like to install pipelines and buy building materials for renovating his home.

Ibraheem is very grateful to everyone who helps him. He hopes to be able to be back to his normal life again with his family, and to provide good living conditions for his children.

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