A loan helped to repair the roof of his house and to buy tires for his vehicle.

Efrain Atilio's story

Efrain is 52 years old, married, and the father of five children. He has been a farmer for several years. His children help him with planting crops after they’re done with school. His wife takes care of the household chores. Efrain has always been a man who is devoted to his family so that they would never be lacking in basic needs.

He needs a loan so that he can make repairs to his vehicle, such as replacing the tires. Repairs also need to be done on his house. He needs to fix the roof because there are holes that cause problems for his family during the winter season.

Efrain dreams of seeing his children study until they obtain their university degrees.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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