A loan helped to buy various seasonal goods.

Somina's story

Somina was born in 1965. She is a vendor at a street market, and she sells various goods on a retail basis, such as socks, underwear, scarves and many other small items. In the winter, things get very difficult for her. The weather gets very cold and it is hard and painful to stand in the open air. For this reason, Somina is now dealing with health issues, but she doesn't have the money nor the time to get medical treatment. Her income is not sufficient: it only allows her to buy food and pay the utilities. Her son sends her the extra money that she needs for medication, from Russia. Somina would like to increase her profit and turnover, and to do so, she needs some money to get more merchandise to resell. For this reason, she has turned to MDO Arvand and Kiva, to receive financial support. In the future, Somina would like to increase her inventory of goods and thereby her income, so that she'll have the means to improve her health.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Sophie Narayan.

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