A loan helped to buy two cows in order to expand her business.

Tolgonai's story

Tolgonai is 62 years old, married and has 4 adult children. Her family is very friendly and respected in the village. For many years, Tolgonai worked at a school cafeteria and is now retired, and involved in animal husbandry and farming. Tolgonai started with business in 1984 almost with nothing, however, today, she is a successful farmer on her small farm, where she has 1 dairy cow with a calf and 10 sheep. She also has a 0.40 hectare land plot, where she annually grows carrots and potatoes. Tolgonai's monthly profit amounts to 15,000 som (KGS). She tries to invest all of her profit into developing her business. Tolgonai requested a loan in the amount of 80,000 som (KGS) from the "Bai-Tushum" Bank to buy 2 cows. She wants to increase her livestock headcount and improve her life.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Anna Sorokina-Hailey.

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