Mrs. Maria Patrocinia is 51 years old and works in the field as an agriculturist: planting and harvesting potato. Every single one of her family members, composed of 6 children, gets involved.
Mrs. Maria Patrocinia has a lot of experience in this field because since she was a little kid she would help her parents in everything that was related to fixing and preparing the ground to cultivate potatoes, such as applying the fertilizers and manure to the crops, among others.
She also cultivates corn and beans when the season is good, her neighbors and friends that live nearby being her clients. The distance she walks daily to give assistance, protection, and care to her potato crops is of 100 meters from her home.
Her plans and dreams are to fix her home, which needs improvements; to give her children a better quality of life and a better education from what she had, given that today there are better opportunities to have a prosperous career.
Mrs. Maria Patrocinia is requesting a loan from the cooperative COMIXMUL to be able to purchase potato seeds and agricultural inputs such as manure, fertilizers, and fungicides, among others, that will help her potato crops to have a better response, and thus be able to have a better economic input and begin improving her quality of life.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.