A loan helped to buy manure and pesticides to apply to his crops and eradicate some plagues and diseases and feed the plants in order to have a good harvest.

José Valdemar's story

26-year-old José studied through the sixth grade since his mother raised him on her own and she didn't have the economic resources necessary to cover educational expenses. He lives with his younger brother and his mother who depend on him economically. He is single. His principle source of income in agricultural work, which he has done for 10 consecutive years. He learned this work with his friend and decided to work in it since he can produce basic grains for his family's consumption and sell part of it. He also makes artisan goods from nylon like hammocks and bags. His fields are 30 minutes walking from his mother's house and his borther supports him in the work that he must do in the fields.

With the loan, he will buy manure and pesticides to apply to his crops and eradicate some plagues and diseases and feed the plants in order to have a good harvest. Thus, he will have basic grains so sale and familial consumption. He plans to continue working and cultivating a good harvest since he is sure that hard work will help him get ahead with his family. He hopes to offer them a high quality-of-life. In the near future, he plans to construct a house so he has something to offer when he decides to create a family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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