A loan helped to purchase more broiler chicks and chick feed to increase production.

Oppa's story

Oppa is a 21-year-old young woman. She is single and living in the Hurungwe District of Zimbabwe. She is a Camfed Learner Guide volunteering at schools in her community. Over the last year, she has grown her poultry business to its current capacity – producing about 40 broiler birds every six weeks and selling them to the local residents. She started the business in 2013 because she wanted to be financially independent and because she saw that it was very profitable in her community.

Oppa would very much like to increase her sales volume and become a supplier to major supermarkets. She will use the Kiva loan to purchase more broiler chicks and chick feed to increase production. She hopes to provide for herself and remain financially independent. She has one employee. A loan will enable her to make additional profits. Her plan is to go back to school and complete her education.

Loan details

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