A loan helped to purchase of new agricultural supplies to assist her coffee crops this season.

Lesli's story

Thanks to her first financing efforts, Lesli purchased fertilizers which were applied to her coffee crops which developed very well, protecting the plant, the beans and maintaining the land and the plants. In addition, she managed to pay skilled labor which helped with planting and weed cleaning on the property.

As a result, her coffee production was a success, being able to sell beans at a good price in the market and among intermediaries in the area. With the income she received, she was able to pay the commitment to the institution among other commitments that she previously had.

Currently Lesli requests the help of the various Kiva investors to again invest in her coffee crops. After harvesting the beans and collecting them, the plants remained impaired and at risk of being infected by rust or pests that lead to cutting them once damaged. It is for this reason she is requesting new funding with which to buy the fertilizers needed to take care of these plants in this new season and a better harvest this new year.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joyce Bogner-Bohn.

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