A loan helped to purchase more men's and women's shirts, shoes, and coats.

Hawa's story

This is 29-year-old Hawa. She is married and has one child aged two years. In 2012, Hawa established her boutique men's wear and women’s, shoes, and creamer spray business. She began her business because she wanted to enhance her monthly profit earnings to improve her living standard. Working six days a week and nine hours a day, she earns about SLL 1,500,000 every month from this business.

Hawa requires a loan in order to expand the business through the purchasing of more men's shirts, shoes, coats and women's shoes and coats. She would like a loan in the amount of SLL 5,000,000. She hopes that this loan will enable her to increase her monthly profits, which will help her to improve her business.

In the future, Hawa plans to establish a big shop and to send her child to school. This business is helping her to raise her child. She thanks you for your support.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details