A loan helped to buy more products to sell in her grocery store.

Khetam's story

Khetam is a 51-year-old married woman from Qalqilia city. She is a mother of two children; a son and a daughter, both of whom attend school. Her husband is an employee in the public sector where he earns a low income. This income is barely enough to cover all the family's needs. Five years ago, Khetam opened a grocery store in the city. She sells regular grocery products such as sugar, milk and some cleaning products. Khetam took a USD loan from FATEN to help her to buy more products to sell in her grocery store. By taking this loan, Khetam will be able to increase her sales and also her income. Khetam appears in the photo in her grocery store.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details