A loan helped to build a small biogas digester.

Ly's story

Ly, 41 years old, is an active rice farmer in a small community in Kampong Speu Province. He has four unmarried children. To make a living and support his family, he manages and operates a rice farming business on farmland that is located near his house. He has been involved with this business since 1980 and the net profit that he can make is USD 3 a day.

Ly would like to improve his living standards by having clean energy for household use. Because of the lack of capital, he is asking for a Kiva loan to build a small biogas digester, under the project of NBP (National Biogas Program) in partnership with HKL. After an initial investment in this system, he hopes that he won’t spend much money on fuel and will lessen the smoke from wood or charcoal. He is very happy and thankful, because with this kind of loan product, HKL has offered a special interest rate better than its general loans. He awaits your kindness and relies on your generosity.

Loan details

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