A loan helped to buy laying hens for the good of her business and to get ahead with her children.

Maria Felicia's story

Maria, a 33-year-old woman, is full of dreams and aspirations in life, like getting her two children, eight and five years old, ahead, improving their quality of life, and having her own home. She makes a living raising broiler chickens and hens. She has been doing this work for approximately five years, and it is a great help in supporting her household. That is why she always tries to work energetically and with constant dedication.

With this work, she has tried to get ahead with her family and that is why she is requesting economic support, in order to buy some laying hens, so she can invest in her business and be more profitable.

Her biggest dream is to be able to see her children graduate, and every day she puts a lot of effort into turning that dream into a reality.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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