A loan helped to buy large lot of animal fodder for her pigs and piglets.

Sirun's story

Sirun is 41 years old and lives in the village Gandzakar in the Tavush region. Sirun is already skilled and a very clever farmer. Despite of having the specialty of an accountant, she never worked in that field and during the last 20 years she has become a perfect farmer. She is especially good in poultry and pig breeding.

On her farm she has 5 pigs and 10 piglets, as well as 30 chickens. Her fruit garden is also a great place to admire since it is full of tasty and colourful fruits such as apples, pears, peaches, plums, and mulberry. She sells all these harvests and also eggs at the city wholesale market. Sirun has serious plans to start the sale of piglets from her farm, which will surely be profitable for her family.

Sirun is married and she has a daughter (she is a student) and a school-aged son. Her husband now works in Yerevan city (he is a constructor) and from time to time he returns to his village both to see his family and to bring money for his family needs.

Sirun asks for this loan since she wants to buy a large lot of animal fodder for her pigs and piglets, which she wants to grow and make fatter for future sale.

Loan details

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