A loan helped a member to purchase wholesale wool.

Emprendedoras Group's story

The A.C. "EMPRENDEDORAS" will be starting their second loan-cycle on Pro Mujer, as part of Centro Focal de Panamericana. This group consists of eight members and is directed by a committee of which Señora Margarith is the President. The businesses that the communal bank members conduct are varied and among them are: sale of homemade medicines, manufacture of purses and backpacks, knitting of leggings, a carpentry workshop, cell phone sales, sock sales, cheese sales, and sewing of T-shirts.

The loan that they will take out benefits small micro-enterprises, where Señora Margarith is a member. She indicates that she has been a member of Pro Mujer for one year, joining by way of a friend's invitation who is a client of the institution. Currently she has a business knitting blankets; she shares that she learned this trade from her sister-in-law eight years back. With a little money and the technique she already learned, she is deciding to open a business independently.

The loan that she will now take out is for the growth of capital (purchase of wholesale wool) that she will purchase from the wholesalers in the markets of the Ciudad de El Alto and later sell in her sale space. This form of work allows her to generate resources to support her family, since she is single and has four children.

When consulted about what she liked about Pro Mujer, she responded that she liked the savings and training that the institution offers.

In this group: Margaryth, Blanca Lizeth, Ester, Andrea, Ana Maria, Elizabeth , Jhunnior, Sara Reveca

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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