A loan helped to pay the people helping her to prepare her land, and to buy seeds and fertilizer.

Cruz's story

Cruz is 62 years old. She did not have the opportunity to study, because in order to go to school she had to walk four hours each way. She had eight children, although three of them died. The others are married, and only one lives with them. With her husband, she makes a living planting watermelon. Although this past season was not great, they still want to keep working with watermelon, and other crops like corn, sorghum, and sesame.

The loan she is requesting from CREDICAMPO is to pay the people that help her to prepare the land, and to buy seeds and fertilizer. She hopes to always have the support of the institution. She had been given the chance to work with a loan in the past, and feels very grateful because she could not accomplish so much otherwise.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Kelsey Hayden.

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