A loan helped to access high-quality inputs such as fertilizer and seed in order to double income and yield.

Rahila Elizabeth's story

Rahila Elizabeth remembers not being able to pay school fees during a particularly bad harvest. This was before she became a Babban Gona Member. Now, Rahila Elizabeth, like all Babban Gona members, can earn up to $2000/ha this season from growing maize, more than three times the Nigerian farmer’s annual income. The average Babban Gona farmer yields 30 bags/hectare, double the national average of 14. However, Rahila Elizabeth is ambitious and is aiming to reap 40 bags per hectare this season. “In 5 years, I want to make more money for myself and my family” expressed Rahila Elizabeth. With this loan, Rahila Elizabeth is well on her way to achieving this dream.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details