A loan helped a member to buy rice seeds, and to pay for a hand-tractor leasing fee for plowing her farmland.

Eth's Group's story

Eth, age 43 and a mother of two children, resides in Kampong Cham province. She struggles for a living via rice farming as the main source of income and a paid working job as the supplementary income. The current business earns her about 33,300 KHR per day to secure the needs of her family. She has never been with VisionFund, (Kiva’s partner) before, and now she leads a group of six to get a loan. For Eth, the group leader, she will spend her entire loan portion to buy rice seeds, and to pay for a hand-tractor leasing fee for plowing her farmland. She hopes that she can replant her cash crop on time, so that she can gain a good yield.

In this group: Eth, Thea, Socheat, Chanthou, Seang, Yournly

Loan details

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