A loan helped a member to buy a hairdryer, hair products and other items.

Genesis 3 Group's story

Carlixta is the coordinator of her group, Genesis 3, and her group is located in one of the poorest areas around Santo Domingo city, where running water (none of which is potable) and electricity are unreliable. She makes her home here in a simple structure with her long-term partner and their two children.

Carlixta is excited to be seeking her 14th loan with Esperanza. She plans to use this loan to invest in her business. She operates a Beauty Salon, and she will invest in her business by buying a hairdryer and hair products to sell to her clients and apply these products when they come to her salon. She will use the profits to re-invest in her business. Her most difficult challenge is managing to have a comfortable life. She thanks all of you for your support.

In this group: Carlixta, Zuleika, Maria, Enaudina, Amparo

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details