A loan helped to buy calves, raise and sell them.

Georgina's story

With the goal of increasing her herd, Georgina has once again applied to Afodenic to obtain financial support, this time through Kiva. Before she worked with loans obtained directly from Afodenic which she used to invest in pasture, cattle and fieldwork, like planting tubers. She is a hardworking person with two children and a husband who does fieldwork. She has sufficient experience in raising livestock to care for her small herd well.

She adds that she enjoys working with loans because the don't negatively influence her working capital and her earnings can be invested in supplies, basic expenses and other household needs. This loan is a necessity for her to increase her capital and to leave a decent inheritance for her children and/or provide her with an income in her old age. She is already planning for future medical expenses since she does not have insurance and must be able to cover expenses if an emergency arises.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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