A loan helped to help 92 villagers buy high-quality compost, fertilizer, and pesticides that will boost crop yields.

Zee Pin Kan Village's story

Located in Central Myanmar’s Thaung Thar township, this community currently has 92 village customers, 7 of whom are CBO (Community Based Organization) committee members helping to lead the loan program in the area.

Farmers must buy several inputs to ensure good yields. For example, they typically purchase different types of seeds, compost, fertilizer, and pesticides, hire labor, and lease equipment and livestock. A new loan would enable this community to buy higher-quality fertilizer, compost, and pesticides, as these products must supplement animal manure to improve soil conditions and produce better crops.

Pictured above are U Aye, U Kyi, U Aung, Kyaw, Daw Cho, Daw Win, and Daw Khin. They are CBO committee members from the village who vouch for loan applicants. Included in the photo (farthest to the left) is 42-year-old U Aye, the father of a small child. With his previous loan, he bought two goats to raise and sell back for a profit. This year, he plans to use his new loan to buy special compound fertilizer to get better-quality peanut and bean crops.

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