A loan helped to obtain a water pump for irrigation.

Patrick's story

Patrick, age 48, lives in Chibombo, Zambia. He is asking for a loan so that he can obtain an additional water pump to help him irrigate and expand his garden crops.

Last season, Patrick obtained his first water pump from Rent to Own. He managed to grow watermelons, green peppers, tomatoes and onions. This season, he has big plans to expand his production further, and will need an additional water pump in order to keep up with the irrigation required during Zambia’s dry season.

Vegetable gardening is big business for many rural farmers in Chibombo District. Rent to Own has worked with Patrick on a business plan for this gardening season and will deliver a water pump directly to his farm. Rent to Own also provides Patrick with training on how to properly use and maintain the water pump, and will check in to provide support until he has paid off the loan.

With the water pump, Patrick is planning on growing watermelons and green peppers throughout the dry season, supplying local markets in Zambia’s capital city, Lusaka.

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