A loan helped a member to buy bamboo sticks, varnish, nails, etc.

Gente De Zonas Group's story

This solidarity group consists of three enterprising women and is coordinated by Francisca. Francisca is 31 years old, single and mother of one son who is her motivation to improve her living conditions. For ten years, her business has been the manufacture and sale of bamboo craftwork. She started this business with the help of her mother, who gave her a loan to start the business.

She is now asking for a loan to buy bamboo sticks, varnish, nails, etc.

The other partners are Raquel, 25 years old, who sells sweets on the buses of the town, and Matilde, 45 years old, who has sold fruits in the busiest market of the town for twelve years.

In this group: Francisca Del Cramen, Matilde Florentina, Raquel Del Carmen

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Vaethjunker.

Loan details

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Loan details