A loan helped a member to buy 30 pairs of shoes.

Ushindi Group's story

Marie-Anne has been a business owner for 10 years. She is treasurer and member of the Ushindi Group. She is an entrepreneur, 40-years old, married, and mother of eight children, all of whom attend school. She sells used shoes in the market downtown. She is asking for a loan from Hekima to grow her business. She will buy 30 pairs of shoes. Her spouse is a soldier in the loyalist army. She started her business from funds received from her husband. In the future, she wishes to grow her business, put her children in school, and feed them. She thanks Hekima for wisely choosing their objective: supporting female entrepreneurs excluded from the traditional banking system by extending them loans without material collateral.

In this group: Kalonda, Musanganya, Floride, Aline, Brigitte, Marie Anne, Kikingi, Kabunvu, Brigitte, Banza, Edwige, Sikuzani, Matumaini, Mabumba, Gorette, Noella, Kaheto, Mapendano, Pascaline, Mubage, Chishunguluka, Mumarha, Mihigo, Celestine, Godelive, Kashibondo, Cheusi, Bahinza, Musanganya, Christine, Shemaronga, Consolate, Sadiki, Shomari, Mubengwa, Batumike, Regine, Matabaro, Rachel, Banza, Banyere, Zawadi, Lydia, Mastaki, Kapitula, Wanasudi, Kibanja, Chihambanya, Alua, Ramazani

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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